
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Happy Ona Sadhya

Ona Sadhya with all items

2016 Onam for us was in USA. Thiruonam was on Wednesday, so a working day. Our daughter and son in law both were working. Son in law is working in another State and so he was not able to come home. We made a plan to celebrate Onam. If there are some one to enjoy we can prepare Sadhya. Invited friends from our daughter's office for lunch and our Ona Sadhya was really grand.
Thank you all our friends and your family for making this Onam delicious and great.
I prepared twenty five items and were served in banana leaves in our traditional style. Each curry on rice has it's own sides to go. Since our invitees were not Malayalees it was a great pleasure for us to explain the way of having Sadhya. The due interest to learn and enjoy the Sadhya by our guest really thrilled us. We were really honoured and blessed with your presence for making our Onam in USA beautiful. Thank you, my dear daughter for making the event great and grand.

Happy Onam

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